Anchored in Hope | Psalm 130 | Joe Ramirez

Each week we say that we believe there is hope beyond our brokenness. It’s a key pillar to our mission here at the church. What does hope look like for us as we navigate through the ups and downs of life? Do we just stay optimistic and bring good things into existence? Is it our job to manifest our own blessings? True hope can only be found in God and is anchored in his promises for us. In his mercy, we have been given a living hope through our savior Jesus and that is something that will never let us down. 

Joe Ramirez is the Minister of Communication at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

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